Saturday, September 24, 2016


Hello beautiful people! It's not even a year since I graduated from secondary school and I already miss being a student! So basically right after my SPM, a group of my friends planned a trip to Penang and it works. Then, I was in dilemma for real in choosing should I continue studies or just start working like an adult and if I choose to continue my studies, what course should I pick and etc..... After a long thinking and deciding, I step into the working world that is like half new to me. I found a job and basically it's kinda job that suits art students more because it's basically designing, editing and etc. I learned a lot, it's a new experience for me, I got to learn how to use photoshop, paint *few more editor i don't remember the name* I worked there for like 2 months and I stopped because it's not the job I want. Later on, I have a family trip to Taiwan *i don't know how to blog it since it's was kinda like a last minute plan but share a little soon!* After back from Taiwan, rotting for 1 month I guess. My sister's friend actually want to hire people for her office and called me for an interview. So I went and I got it. Working for about 3 months 3 weeks, I resigned because I found a new job where the salary is much more higher *it's really high that you can't expect* So I move to that new office and basically everything was good! Very thankful for everything I have right now! I don't know about others but sometimes while working I will just thought of something that I will do at school at the moment, right that moment. So yeah I decided to write my thoughts about it! *my intro was kinda long wow!*  


1. Going school is kinda like working half day only
2. Can't take nap
3. Not having a bunch of friends to eat with during lunch *school = recess time*
4. Meeting best friends everyday
5. Sleep in the class *i wish i can sleep at my office lolll*
6. Not going to sing patriotic songs with teachers and friends
7. Can't celebrate Teacher's Day with all forms 
8. Represent school for competitions
9. Going for tuitions
10. Get permission to go to the toilet and actually walking around the school

Beautiful faces that I got to see everyday! :)

If you are still in secondary school, no matter going to graduate or just started the life a secondary student. Appreciate all the moments you have in school. Time is ticking and days are counting. Create more memories, have fun and enjoy the life os a student. I can say this, when you are studying, you feel like school is bored and working is good because get money and stuffs. Everybody will thought of that even myself. Remember times never turn back, you need to appreciate all the live moment right now for you to remember in the future! That's all my little advise. Good luck & all the best! :)

Thank you for dropping by my little world here and thank you for reading! Do share and comment below if you have any suggestions! ^^ Till next time!

Panda, xoxo 

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